Friday, May 20, 2016

Lectora 16 - Lectora Inspire free download

Lectora 16 - Lectora Inspire

Build Mobile Courses the Efficient Way with Lectora 16
Featuring new Responsive Course Design (RCD), Lectora 16 is the remarkably simple, yet exceptionally powerful desktop authoring tool that allows eLearning developers to quickly create mobile courses—saving valuable development time. Author once, and publish across all devices!

Quickly and easily create mobile courses.
The new RCD feature allows you to design courses in the desktop view, and Lectora will automatically rescale objects to fit on mobile devices. You can then make customizations for each view to fit your desires!

Design once. Distribute everywhere.
Because Lectora automatically adjusts the tablet and phone views, you only need to design your course once, no matter how many devices you plan to distribute to. No more rebuilds for each new phone that comes out.

Adjust mobile views to perfect your course.
You can make custom adjustments to any object to further ensure your course looks and functions perfectly on all devices. It’s easy to use the Responsive Bar at the top of the work area in Lectora to see and edit each view.

Our links are FULL tested , safe & secure and guarantee best download speed.

DOWNLOAD LINK: 5.20.2016